Saturday, October 13, 2007

Module 3

1. This week, continuing our research into how blogs are used and whether they have an impact on print media, let's look at a pre-cursor to the blog that you read about in your text, the e-zine. E-zines are magazines published on-line. One might call the blogging equivalent to the e-zine the news blog. For this weeks assignment, find a news or current events oriented e-zine as well as a news or current events oriented blog and compare and contrast the two.
Although they both may share the fact that they deal with news and current events, they have many differences. Oddly enough I expected the e-zine article to be more factual and professional, but can't decide. The blog presents actual evidence, facts, and quotes. The e-zine article is almost an advertisement to get people to support their movement against a lot of things that are going on in America.

2. Summarize each of the 2 research links you found above.
The e-zine article expresses one's frustrations with America. It points out varieties of failures ranging from Iraq, gas prices, the children of today, violence, and politics. The author emphasizes that we are no longer a proud America but a joke, and we need to do something about it.
The blog article discusses the falling of gas prices and it's effects. The consumer sentiment for September came in significantly higher because of this. It has definitely brightened the mood of Americans and made them feel better about the economy as well as every time they go to pump their gas.

3. Compare and contrast the blog to the e-zine. Which do you feel was more professional and effective?
I actually felt like the blog was more professional and effective because it gave figures and even had a quote. Because of this I definitely think that it made it more effective out of the two.

Which was easier to find on the Internet?
The e-zine article was easier to find for me.

Which was easier to read?
I think that they both were easy to read. They both are filled with common language which does not make them overbearing or confusing. I suppose if I had to choose, I think that the e-zine was slightly easier to read.

Did they both cover the same current events?
No. The e-zine dealt with America and many of the things going on in the country right now. The blog focused on gas prices.

Did you feel they were credible or trustworthy?
Actually yes. I felt like the way that they were both presented made me feel like the author really knew what he was talking about.

Would you be more likely to feel a print source such as a newspaper or magazine was more credible than a blog? Than an e-zine? Why?
No. Despite how much I think I could believe the source, an actual newspaper or magazine article is still probably the best route just to make sure that all of the facts are straight.

4. Did the research material you found support or not support your original thesis (posted in module 1)? To help you quantify your research, rate the preceding question on a scale of 1 to 5.
3 Neither supported nor unsupported my thesis.

5. After doing this module, have do you wish to change your original thesis statement?

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Module 2

The Entrepreneurial Blog:
Blogging for Business Promotion:

Summarize each of the 3 research links you found above.
A key to promoting anything, whether it be a business or a product is to find the right method. There's many different methods: billboards, newspaper ads, commercials, etc. However, it is crucial to find the most popular method in order to receive the best outcome. As these articles stated, blogging is very popular right now. It can provide good information, be fun and colorful which makes it interesting, and still remain timely. Blogging is given much more freedom than many other forms of promotion and can therefore be more creative, colorful, and change things on a regular basis. Despite people's initial reaction, blogging is a great new method of promoting!!

What other options would an entrepreneur have to market themselves to their audience? What things can a blog do for an entrepreneur that these other means of self-promotion can not? Do you feel blogs are an effective alternative to these methods? Why or why not?
Entrepreneurs can promote their business through magazine/newspaper ads, television commercials, billboards, park benches, flyers, etc. However the great thing about blogging is that as previously stated, it allows for more freedom and creativity. It allows you to use colors and graphics, and change things as often as wanted without the hassle of going through a company and paying can just do it yourself! I definitely feel like blogs are an effective alternative to all of these methods. They are much more convenient, time efficient, and allow you to have the freedom of doing things as you please.

3. Did the research material you found support or not support your original thesis (posted in module 1)? To help you quantify your research, rate the preceding question on a scale of 1 to 5.
It definitely supported my thesis in which I agree that blogging is having a major impact on the print journalism industry. This proves that blogging has even become an effect method of promoting a business. I rate a 5!!

5: Strongly supports my thesis.
4: Somewhat supports my thesis.
3: Neither supported nor unsupported my thesis.
2: Somewhat did not support my thesis.
1: Strongly did not support my thesis.

4. After doing this module, do you wish to change your original thesis statement? If so, go back to your first blog post, and change it for your readers!
No! I still stand by my thesis.

Module 1

1. Introduce yourself.
Hi everyone! My name is Rebecca and I'm new to the blogging community. I'm your average girl who enjoys spending time with family and friends and loves watching movies and listening to music. I'm a 3rd year college student and Psychology is my major. I love it!!!

2. Share and Summarize the research you did in Step Two (above).

I researched several articles to find out what other people's opinions are on the subject of blogging vs. print journalism. I wasn't too surprised with the results. The majority of people, whether in comments or articles find blogging a much better method and source of information. They seem to view print journalism as outdated and not as beneficial. One article even stated,
"Every day, the print media seems to be the step-child among its media counterparts and the constant butt of jokes" (

3. State your position on the Project 1 Thesis topic (see STEP 1 above). Also add a bit about why you are initially taking this position. Feel free to add any other initial information or comments in this first blog entry. Examples can be first impressions, prior experience, or any topic related to the material in the text.
I am for the following statement: Blogging has significantly impacted the print journalism industry.
This society is so consumed with whatever is more time efficient. For me personally, blogging, or the Internet as a whole meets that need much better than print journalism. On top of that, blogging can also keep better updates as to news and current events.